CCBN member Ivana Drčec awarded Priory Vote of Thanks in Newfoundland


On 26 May, Ivana Drcec, owner of the CCBN member Zeroworx, was presented with the Priory Vote of Thanks award by the Honourable Frank F. Fagan, Liuetenant Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador. Ivana is a medical first responder volunteer with the Order of St. John’s  in Newfoundland, was recognised for her contribution in implementing and overseeing a volunteer data management system for the St. John’s MFR Division. The system she implemented was Linxpot, the data management system created by her company Zeroworx, and also used by CCBN to create these newsletters. The statement made at the award ceremony for Ivana’s contribution was ‘It is a fitting recognition given the mission is to enable Canadians to improve their health, safety and quality of life by providing training and community service”.

The CCBN is proud to have Ivana Drcec among our members!
